Friday, February 4, 2011

Riding Again

December 13th was my last entry?  Geez. 

I have been listening to a few things lately, but most recently I stumbled up James Gang's 'Ride Again' album on my iPod.  You may be familiar with their tune 'Funk # 49' off of 'Rides Again'.

I really love heavy bassy rock and roll like Humble Pie, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath.  So, when I found myself replaying 'The Bomber (medley): Closet Queen' it was bliss to my ears.

This is a great album all in all.  Joe Walsh kicks some pretty good arse.  Released in 1970 it was James Gang's second album.

The other James Gang album I have is 'Yer' Album' which is their first album released in 1969.  You might be familiar with 'Collage'.  Their cover of the Yardbirds' tune 'Lost Woman' kicks some major, major arse too.

Give them some love; it's some good rock and roll!

I find it extremely hard to navigate on iPod, and that is why the James Gang stumbled upon me.  I really dislike not being able to see my full collection of music at one time.  Like opening the drawers to the vinyl cabinet, I can see what I have, look at the album art work and make a decision that way.  On the iPod, it sucks, I can only scroll through a few at a time and I get lost in it.  I don't like the shuffle options, although I do use them all of the time.  It puts the feeling of the album out of whack.  I think it's pretty great to walk around have 8000 + songs on you at all times, but I'm sacrificing the feeling of the album.  Being with it you know?  Experiencing it song by song as the artists have laid them out.

Digital music?  Give me vinyl.. mono.  There's more of a connection.  Spending time with the album, flipping it; it's a process.  It's love.  Song by song.

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